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vivants - collageno mask 300 G

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vivants - collageno mask 300 G

Product Information

vivants - collageno  mask 
1. Increased amino acids:
Hair is mainly composed of keratin protein, and the body can create it through a group of amino acids, and the body can directly produce 11 types, but there are 9 types that must be obtained from nutrition, and collagen can produce 3 amino acids necessary to provide keratin that enhances hair growth. Hair strength and growth.
 2. Resistance to follicle damage:
Collagen can act as an antioxidant and fight free radicals that are formed in the body as a result of stress, pollutants and unhealthy foods that affect the health and growth of the cells of the whole body, especially the hair.
3. Preventing Hair Thinning and Graying:
The thinning of hair and skin associated with aging coincides with the decline in the proportion of collagen in the body, and a study showed that regular intake of collagen supplements improves the health of the skin and hair and resists signs of aging and thus prevents hair loss or thinning.
 Collagen also maintains the pigment cells responsible for hair color and reduces their exposure to damage, thus increasing the melanin pigment and delaying the appearance of graying of hair.

300 G