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Vivants - hair serum ojon 90 ml

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Product Information

With the same composition of hair keratin, rich in amino acids and natural antioxidants, provides recovery, high brightness, strength and protection against the daily aggression on the hair strands.
Extracted from the walnut of the Ojon Palm, typical from the Honduran rainforest, is particularly suitable for dry hairs or those who have suffered any damage, either by the use of chemicals, such as smoothing and dyes or excessive exposure to the sun's heat, dryer or thermal at iron.
Composed of silicone and the special oil of the Argan fruit, it highlights the life and color of your hair, relaxes the frizz and gives a glow, making it radiant with a sweet smell.
How to use
After drying hair, spray on hands a small amount of Ojon Secret Oil.
Spread well and massage soft and lightly on hair, especially at the tips.