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OLIVIA GARDEN - Pro Thermal(T-16)

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OLIVIA GARDEN - Pro Thermal(T-16)

Product Information

Hair brush size 3/4"
Olivia Garden ProThermal Anti-Static Hair Brush T-16 is a professional, lightweight brush which is ideal for quick drying and perfected styling. It features a patented retractable sectioning pick which is the perfect tool for sectioning hair.
Hold the handle and style hair as desired.
Why it Works
The larger barrel holes on the Olivia Garden ProThermal Anti-Static Hair Brush T-16 allows for a greater air flow to reduce drying time, whilst the vented cap design keeps the top of the brush cool and boosts ventilation. The brush is specifically designed to ease wrist fatigue and the ergonomic handle has a non slip surface so you are always in control.