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The iStyle brush body is made in one piece. This creates an absolutely snag-free experience and more comfort while brushing the hair. It fits perfectly in your hand thanks to the ergonomic handle. This brush is great for all stylings on short to medium hair. Due to the small size it is convenient to take this brush everywhere. It is also very comfortable, thanks to the curved shape it adapts perfectly to the scalp. Due to the dual length memory flex bristles this brush is perfect for medium hair. DETANGLE IN SECTIONS : The cardinal rule when detangling dry hair is to brush or comb in small sections, starting at the ends and slowly and very gently working your way up. This way you can gently remove the tangles instead of aggressively trying to break through them by brushing from root to tip. Pulling at a particularly nasty knot that just won’t let up may seem better than having to cut it out as a last resort, but tearing your brush or comb through a tangled mass is a comparable evil. Spritzing a detangling formula on the tangle in question should help to loosen it up so that you can at least work at salvaging what you can—just work slowly and gently to minimize roughing up the hair’s cuticle, which can lead to breakage. Cleaning advice: Cleaning your brush allows you to get rid of impurities that collect over time. It is important to clean your brush regularly, it is best to clean it after each use. In our Olivia Garden range, we have developed a "brush cleaner" that will help you to maintain your brushes and remove any remaining hair on the brush. For a more thorough cleaning: use soap by emulsifying with water, then rinse it thoroughly and dry your brush.