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Olivia Garden - Hair Brush Gold - NT 18

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Olivia Garden - Hair Brush Gold - NT 18

Product Information

Olivia Garden 
 The Olivia Garden Ceramic + Ion Hairbrush is an extremely user-friendly hairbrush which is great for the use while drying your hair.
The brush gives perfect and creative styling. The Ceramic + Ion technology provides anti- bacterial protection and makes the hair healthier.
Extremely user-friendly hairbrush. Great for use while drying your hair. Gives perfect and creative styling.
NanoThermic technology provides anti-bacterial protection and makes hair healthier.
Ceramic technology distributes heat of hair dryer equally and faster across brush barrel.
Larger vents - faster and effective styling
Ion-charged nylon bristles have anti-static effect, hydrate the cuticle, provide shine and make hair easier to style
Size  :  3/4 - NT 18